Episode 72—September 30, 2016
Nearly everyday Earth has a close approach with an asteroid. Today host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how NASA scientists find these Near Earth Objects and what we plan to do with them. She also tells a true story about an ant-hunting dog, and reads a prose poem about shape note singing. It's called "#Blessed-Common Ground Country Fair Folk Arts Tent 2016."
"...I was there because I was supposed to be there, the next act on stage, following whatever this was, telling a story in the old way as the woman said, which to me just meant I’d rehearsed it out loud in my car on the way to the grocery store, my two boys a peanut gallery in the backseat, and while driving here, to the Fair, instead of listening to NPR..."
Moon Astrology: New Hunters Moon in Libra: Take only what you need.
Interplanetary gas stations, my dungy dog, and a hand shaking heart.
Episode 71—September 16, 2016
As the sun slips into the southern hemisphere, we welcome autumn and longer nights than days. Host Jennifer Ellsworth considers what to pack for this journey toward year's end. She also tells about midnight walks to Lake St. George, and concludes the short story "Jackson Pond Party Boat," where, after lunch, Melissa poses an interesting question to the quartet.
"...Billy had made tuna fish sandwiches, but they were on shore. Ivan dragged the boat until Billy’s quadrant sunk into the mud. Tommy and Melissa widened their stances in their chairs, and Billy rose like a tightrope walker, determined not to flood the boat with his departure...."
Moon Astrology: Full Harvest Moon in Pisces: Dream on.
What do you take to bed?, tossing our wishes in, and star sailing.
Episode 70—September 1, 2016
A woman warrior is not usually the first image that comes to mind when you hear "virgin," but perhaps it should. Host Jennifer Ellsworth dissects the etymology of the word to reveal its ancient and surprising roots. She also interviews Belfast Maskers cofounder Diane Coller Wilson as she prepares to reclaim the stage in the Midcoast Actors Studio production of George Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man, and reads part two of "Jackson Pond Party Boat," where Melissa and the two brothers write one another's obituaries.
...Melissa had brought a thirty pack of PBR, packed in ice. The first one she cracked open and set beside Ivan, who nodded and said, “Hmm.” She then handed beers to the brothers, and took one for herself. “Cheers, men,” she said. “Thanks for coming.”
Moon Astrology—New Harvest Moon in Virgo—the Universe provides.
"A kind of man," a forty-minute Medea, and a single-white-female.