Episode 50- November 11, 2015
Tonight's New Snow Moon marks the Lunar Samhain, when thresholds of all sorts wear thin. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores the bones of being alone in a true story about a dinner for one in recovering Hiroshima, and a fictional story about a World War II veteran who doesn't quite fit with the group. It's called "After the Meeting."
..."They hadn’t invited Frank at first. It was a PTST group and Frank had never seen combat. But then George Pendleton succumbed to his lung cancer, and just two weeks later John DiLalio died of a stroke. The group was shrinking and besides, Frank was the only WWII vet left shuffling the halls of Togus VA Medical Center not in the group...."
Moon Astrology: New Snow Moon in Scorpio: introspection, please.
Liminal All Hallow's Eve, a twenty-minute meal, and a bowlful of Tootsie Rolls.